Thursday, August 8, 2013

Losing Teeth = Crime Scene?

Losing teeth is a right of passage.  For most kids it's a mysterious, exciting time they can't wait to share with others.  We've experienced multiple different things when T loses teeth.  It's ranged from crying and sad to give a part of herself up to us actually not even knowing she lost a tooth because she pulled it in hiding, afraid she would be in trouble for doing so.  Whatever the thoughts going through her head, it never changes the obsessing over said loose tooth and the compulsion to GET THAT SHIT OUT.  People throw OCD around very loosely.  This is the real deal, 24/7, CAN.NOT.STOP. at any cost.    That in combination with her ridiculous pain threshold is seriously frightening. 

I was enjoying my lunch....was being the operative word here.  T was upstairs doing T things...i.e. messing with that damn tooth.  My back was to her so when she came downstairs and said, "I got it out!", I was completely unprepared for what I was about to turn around and see.  She had fists full of blood-soaked toilet paper and blood all over her face and arms....and I mean ALL OVER.  It was  running out of her mouth.  Blood doesn't bother me.  It's all that blood combined with knowing how that tooth was only slightly wiggly this morning.  When she opened her mouth it did NOT look like a simple loose tooth pull.  Blood was POURING out of the socket....again another clear indicator of how hard she worked to get it out.  *shudder*  So yeah, even though there was blood everywhere, it was the thought of what it took to get that sucker out that made lunch suddenly seem like a very bad idea.  T, on the other hand was nothing, but relieved to have rid herself of whatever misery leaving that tooth alone was causing her amazing, little brain.  After plenty of rinsing and ice, the bleeding finally stopped and without missing a beat T asked for a plate of nachos.  So while I will probably have nightmares about this, she's moved on to more important things like familiarizing herself with facts about the venomous snakes of the world.
*Edited to add...

T: You know when I pulled that tooth?  Yeah, I didn't expect that much blood.  I was like, WHOA that's A LOT of blood.  I sure hope I make more.


  1. What number are you on (as in how many more of these do you have to account for?)

  2. This just makes me love T even more. J, on the other hand, sees a drop of blood on her body and goes into full hypochondria mode. What a pair they are.
