I often find myself wondering if we've made and are making the right choices for T...and the rest of our family. Like every Thurs. a.m. when I round everyone up so we can be out the door by 6:45 and at OT by 7:00. Or that over the last 4 years our house has been in various stages of a sensory integration wonderland. Or how about driving 45 min. to social skills group and trying to fill an hour and a half up for our other girls who had to come along since J was working? Not to mention all the Developmental Pediatrician appts., decisions about medication, etc. So it's safe to say I'm frequently looking for validation that what we're doing is for the absolute best. The gaps between those times are often long and progress isn't always easy to spot.
So when T's school OT called yesterday to see if the goals she was planning on adding to her new IEP sounded good to me, I had no idea I'd get some serious validation and have happy tears welling up the rest of the day. We talked about goals, we talked about progress and concerns. Keep in mind that T's been at this school for 4 yrs. now and this is the first yr. this OT has been with her. Out of nowhere she told me that she watches T and can clearly see she's made the progress she has because of all our hard work and intervention early in her life. That thanks to our awareness and willingness to pursue those interventions, we've done so much to positively impact her life and give her the foundation to reach her fullest potential.
Ms. S may or may not know just how much I needed to hear that, right at that moment. Unprompted validation and encouragement are like my own little, shiny, gold nugget I can tuck away and bring out whenever things don't seem to be going so well and I'm nearing the breaking point. These are the moments I live for, the moments that make it all worth it!
How great that you heard what everyone thinks - you are doing an awesome job!!