T has really been struggling at school, and I mean really struggling. It all really goes back to the whole no impulse control and no internal filter thing. She has absolutely no tolerance for anything or anyone she doesn't find interesting, and has no problem letting everyone know it. She's fired everyone who works with her except her kinder teacher. I have no idea how or why Mrs. McC has yet to get the axe, but we're going with it. T not only fires them, she makes sure they know she's personally going to see to it they never teach again. It's really hard not to be amused by some of the things she comes up with. I know she's being inappropriate and needs to be corrected, but man the kid is so smart and witty without having a clue that she is.
We've been brainstorming and trying to figure out how to help her get a little more control and improve her behavior. Without consulting anyone, the assistant principal decided he'd offer her a pizza party if she could get her behavior under control. Her kinder teacher and I weren't exactly impressed with this idea, but figured it's his problem to deal with. The funny thing is that it's actually working! He asked her how many days she thinks she should have to get through before she can have said pizza party. She chose the magic number 11. I had my doubts about that as well. As hard as it's been for her, 11 days of positive behavior seemed like scaling K2! I'm glad her kinder teacher had the sense to tell him it couldn't possibly be an all or nothing thing.
The assistant principal made a chart with 11 peace signs on it. Each day that her behavior is acceptable enough, she gets to go into his office and color a peace sign before going home. She has a laminated picture of him to use in her picture schedule. It's kind of funny and creepy to see her carrying around a laminated picture of her assistant principal, but hey it's part of her schedule and it's working, so whatever. It's been about a month and as of today we're at 10 peace signs! If she can make it just one more day, we may be eating pizza in the office by the end of the week.
How long do you think it will be before she ups the ante on him? I hope he's creative and ready to play now that he's started this adventure!
That is great that it's working so well for her! Yay T!!